While the US Department of Transportation works hard to keep people safe on the roads, they acknowledge that it requires a cohesive effort from everyone in order to achieve success. Everyone includes: “government at all levels, law enforcement, industry, nonprofit and advocacy organizations, researchers, and beyond.” This includes Otorize, too and we at Otorize are working hard to do our part to keep roads safe.
The US Department of Transportation recognizes allies in “public and private sectors, advocacy and community groups, researchers, and beyond [who] have committed to taking specific action in 2023 to reduce serious injuries and deaths on our roadways.” This list of allies is long and impressive, with companies from Uber to Responsibility.org to Honda to UPS playing different roles in improving road safety.
For example, UPS is constantly improving safety features on their trucks and ”commits to installing automatic emergency braking (AEB) on each new class 7 and class 8 vehicle it procures.” Each of these organizations is working alongside the US Department of Transportation in order to pursue the “five safe system” objectives which are safer people, safer roads, safer vehicles, safer speeds, and post-crash care.
Otorize is also an ally working towards safety on the roads, working hard to reduce impairment from any substance. “In 2020, 11,654 people died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic deaths” which were all preventable. This statistic does not include non-fatal crashes or crashes and deaths from other impairing substances. At Otorize, we want to put an end to these unnecessary, preventable deaths, by sharing our instant impairment test with drivers.
Driving on the roads is an increasing danger, with increasing crashes and fatalities. The US Department of Transportation and Otorize both recognize this and are working hard to change this fact.